Monday, September 27, 2010

Ask Allie: Letting Go Emotionally

September 27, 2010

Psychic Advice, Empowerment Coaching, Spells And Gypsy Healing:

**Topics For Today's Free Readings**

1) Will she break up with the man she left him for and be back to try again?
2) Why is he so scared to be in a relationship?
3) Would adding another name to her existing one change her "luck"? If so, how would she go about choosing a name?
4) It's a baby crisis! Will all the friends have a shot at getting pregnant?
5) Can he reach his goal of $500,000 to start his business? If so, when?

Sexual Coaching, Erotic Advice, OBE Classes and Blog:

**Quote of the Week:**

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle

**Show's Format**

* Introduction from Allie
* Q & A from SP 2/72
* Overview of Allie's Two Cents
* Q & A from T 7/87
* Deal of the Week
* Q & A from ZF 9/84
* Overview of Out of Body Ecstasy
* Q & A from T 7/82
* Letting Go Emotionally
* Q & A from R 4/66
* Closing remarks

Allie's Radio Show, Adult Toys and Novelties:

MP3 File

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ask Allie: The Truth Behind Voodoo!

September 15, 2010

Psychic Advice, Empowerment Coaching, Spells And Gypsy Healing:

**Topics For Today's Free Readings**

1) Where is her career headed within the next year?
2) Is this relationship worth it if she's not getting what she needs?
3) When will she be in her first romantic relationship?
4) He's married and her boss - what chance do they have at a relationship?
5) Can you eat meat, drink alcohol and smoke and still connect to your guides and angels?

Sexual Coaching, Erotic Advice, OBE Classes and Blog:

**Quote of the Week:**

Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than inhis own soul. - Marcus Aurelius

**Show's Format**

* Introduction from Allie
* Q & A from LE
* Overview of Allie's Two Cents
* Q & A from RH 9/64
* Deal of the Week
* Q & A from C 9/88
* Overview of Out of Body Ecstasy
* Q & A from KD 2/87
* The Truth Behind Voodoo!
* Q & A from HB 12/72
* Closing remarks

Allie's Radio Show, Adult Toys and Novelties:

MP3 File

Monday, September 06, 2010

Ask Allie: Feng Shui - The Elephant!

September 6, 2010

Psychic, Life Coach, Healing:

**Topics For Today's Free Readings**

1) The pressure is building in her life - what should she do?
2) She needs something to look forward to - is there a     worthwhile relationship in her future?
3) Will she ever find love?
4) What's going to happen between D and herself?
5) How can she develop her sixth sense?

Psychic Advice, Empowerment Coaching, Spells And Gypsy Healing:

Sexual Coaching, Erotic Advice, OBE Classes and Blog:

**Quote of the Week:**

Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with thehandle of anxiety or the handle of faith. - Henry Ward Beecher

**Show's Format**

* Introduction from Allie
* Q & A from B 6/61
* Overview of Allie's Two Cents
* Q & A from HO 9/81
* Deal of the Week
* Q & A from S 1/87
* Overview of Out of Body Ecstasy
* Q & A from AM 2/91
* Feng Shui - The Elephant!
* Q & A from NP 11/89
* Closing remarks

Allie's Radio Show, Adult Toys and Novelties:

MP3 File