Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ask Allie: Stone Divination

October 25, 2009

Spells, Psychic Advice, Spiritual Coaching And Gypsy Healing:

**Topics For Today's Free Readings**

1) Will J and T become friends?
2) Will their relationship progress?
3) Her confidence fell off track - now what?
4) How can she hook up with her romantic soul mate?
5) Where did her boyfriend disappear to? Why?

*ASAP Psychic Advice - Call Allie: 1-800-ASK-KEEN EXT. 01948941
(3 FREE min given for all paid calls over 3 min)*

**Quote of the Week:**

People only see what they are prepared to see. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

**Show's Format**

* Introduction from Allie
* Q & A from J 4/54
* Overview of Allie's Two Cents
* Q & A from O 7/81
* Deal of the Week
* Q & A from E 8/90
* Overview of Out of Body Ecstasy
* Q & A from A 9/89
* Stone Divination
* Q & A from S 1/83
* Closing remarks

Sexual Coaching, Erotic Advice, OBE Classes and Blog:

MP3 File