Monday, February 23, 2009

Ask Allie: The Devil's In The Boob-Tube!

February 23, 2009

This podcast is sponsored by the HealingMom Spiritual Training Center:

Today's topics include: Avoiding Mr. Wrongs for Mr. Right, expanding a metaphysical business and hope for those lonely nights!

Let one who wants to move and convince others, first be convinced and moved themselves. If a person speaks with genuine earnestness the thoughts, the emotion and the actual condition of their own heart, others will listen because we all are knit together by the tie of sympathy. - Thomas Carlyle

Psychic Advice, Spiritual Coaching And Gypsy Healing:

* Introduction from Allie
* Q & A from T 7/82
* Overview of Allie's Two Cents
* Q & A from D 2/76
* The Devil's In The Boob-Tube!
* Q & A from JD 12/74
* Closing remarks

Have you OBE'D today? If so, share it with others:

MP3 File

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