Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ask Allie: If Today Was Your Last Day?

September 13, 2009

Got questions? Need someone to talk to? Or perhaps you want a second opinion on what you receive intuitively? Samantha Vandefeller is who you need to see! At, you can order tarot and oracle card readings, numerology reports, intuitive combo readings as well as take part in free advice as well such as monthly messages from the Unicorn realm, take part in exclusive specials and discounts as well as other free reading opportunities and more! Visit today!

**Topics For Today's Free Readings**

1) Will the relationship last the long hall?
2) Why does love have to be confusing?
3) Will she see her granddaughter again?
4) What should she do with her life?
5) Is there anything she can do to help her ill step-nephew and their

*ASAP Psychic Advice - Call Allie: 1-800-ASK-KEEN EXT. 01948941 (3 FREE min given for all paid calls over 3 min)*

**Quote of the Week:**

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. - James Dean

Spells, Psychic Advice, Spiritual Coaching And Gypsy Healing:

**Show's Format**

* Introduction from Allie
* Q & A from S 2/79
* Overview of Allie's Two Cents
* Q & A from F 11/88
* Deal of the Week
* Q & A from L 1/54
* Overview of Out of Body Ecstasy
* Q & A from JLL 7/84
* If Today Was Your Last Day?
* Q & A from JM 3/82
* Closing remarks

Sexual Coaching, Erotic Advice, OBE Classes and Blog:

MP3 File

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