Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ask Allie: Personal Energy Usage

January 26, 2011

Psychic Advice, Empowerment Coaching, Spells And Gypsy Healing:

**Topics For Today's Free Readings**

1) How can she tie all of her spiritual practices together?
2) Will she get pregnant the good ole fashion way or is a sperm donor in her future?
3) Will her husband get hired on for a permanent position with his current company?
4) What is going on with the dead fish and birds we have been hearing about on the news?
5) Is A going to contact him and if so - when?

Sexual Coaching, Erotic Advice, OBE Classes and Blog:

**Quote of the Week:**

"A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do." - Bob Dylan

This week's Ask Allie Friend: Creative Gem Awakenings Gemstone jewelry made for YOU; stones are intuitively chosen for your specific needs.

**Show's Format**

* Introduction from Allie
* Q & A from H 5/80
* Overview of Allie's Two Cents
* Q & A from JD 12/74
* Deal of the Week
* Q & A from TB
* Overview of Out of Body Ecstasy
* Q & A from HB 12/82
* Personal Energy Usage
* Q & A from JS
* Closing remarks

Allie's Radio Show, Adult Toys and Novelties:

MP3 File

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